
Let’s build an Image Labeler App using AWS Amplify Auth, API (GraphQL), DataStore, Storage, Predictions and React Native

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Chris Betz
Chris Betz

Let’s build an Image Labeler App using AWS Amplify Auth, API (GraphQL), DataStore, Storage, Predictions and React Native

Photo by Omar Prestwich on Unsplash


A while back I created a couple of apps to test drive some new (to me) frameworks:

Flutter Vision — Flutter + Firebase ML Vision + Firebase Cloud Firestore

Ionic 3 + Google Cloud Vision + Firebase

Continuing in that tradition I decided to write a similar app using AWS Amplify and React Native. Thanks to AWS Amplify I ended up with a much more secure and private version of my previous apps with virtually no additional work from me.

The app we will build allows a user to take a photo which is uploaded and stored securely and privately. The photo is then analyzed using Amplify Predictions which returns a list of labels. The labels are then stored along with the image key so that the user can view a list of all of the images and the associated labels.

For the rest of this article please read on dev.to

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